For 1st July:
Today was fun, very active and became very tired later on in the night.
On tuesday night, a hotel "tourist attraction" salesmen offered us a day fishing, a visit to monkey beach and a BBQ on monkey beach, picking us up and returning us to the hotel. We had seen this advertised around for 150 ringets (30 pounds) each, however he offered us it for 100 ringetts (20 pounds) each. After a small negotiation we managed to get the days trip for 70 ringetts, (14 pounds) each, for a full day fishing, and some good grub.
The minibus came to pick us and 4 other people up at 9:30 am. There was a Saudi couple and an Australian couple. The australian couple we're really nice, in the 50s/60s and were chatting to us throughout the day. They told us they paid 100 ringetts for the trip (we didn't tell them we got it cheaper, we just nodded as if we payed the same price), this made us realise we paid a good price in relation to others on the trip.
We got to a beach, in a town in penang near our hotel, other people joined us and we boarded a motorised fishing boat to set sail on our fishing quest to catch some fish and then eat some on the BBQ.
The fishing was a success, Ben caught the first fish, reeling in a comfortable catch with a good start to the days fishing challenge. I then equilised and managed to catch a few more making it at one point 4-2, Jamie was continuing to wait patiently for his first catch, the fish were strong believers that his bait was not as nice as ours and obviously placed the trust in our bait. As we kept on reeling them in, Jamie became anxious and (as Alan Hanson would say) he persued with great "Grit and Determination". Ben came back into the competion with an initial consilation which was then added to another quick catch levelling off the fish caught to equal with me. Jamie then surprised us with a whopper! Weighing in at just over 500 pounds came the biggest fish ever seen, some may call it the 'Killer Whale' however the Man hosting the fishing trip had no English translation for such a fish. Whatever it was, it took 4 men and a midget to help Jamie drag in the whopper. (See picture below to see the size of Jamie's catch).
Also, a member of our fishing crew was a middle-aged alone Austrain man, who performed similar characteristics and appearance reflecting that of Mr Bean. We had previously met the Russian and Female version on our flight, however this was incredible!
Ben was the first one to notice Bean, however it was confirmed to the rest of the group when he started throwing sticks at the monkeys and running back in a "High knee's with high pants" manner with a cheeky grin. Mr bean like manner. He even told the fishing staff when it was "time for dinner", and his voice was even similar to Bean. He was one of the funniest characters to meet, he even walked into the sea patting his belly and roaming the ocean is a similar way to how he roamed the land (With his hands constantly on his hips).
He started chatting to us, and we asked him to take a picture of us three with the sea behind us, after he took the picture he gave me the camera back and without him knowing, I took a picture of him, for the sole use of the Blog, to show you what the real Mr bean looks like. Take a look yourself and see if you can see the Mr Bean in the below man.
If anything, we did feel sorry for this lonely man coming on holiday filming himself abroad. However, it did add to the trip giving us a few laughs when looking back over the day.
The monkey beach was great, the monkeys were aggressive but happy when we fed them.
We then recieved a barbeque, which was fish, chicken and lamb, also Chicken hotdogs. A great dish for vegetations on the trip (good job there wasn't any :) ).
After the BBQ we relaxed on the beach and then got a boat trip and drive to the hotel. Arriving back to the hotel at 3:30pm gave us a great oppurtunity to have a dip in the pool. We chatted to an Australian man who told us about his experiences he found in Krabi (Thailand) and the best places to visit when we're there.
Later on we went to Georgetown, to a shopping centre and had a browse through shops, got some food and then got a taxi back to the hotel. We went to the bar had a cocktail, played some cards and watched a live band. It was a relaxing night before checking out in the morning to goto Pelau Jerejak.
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